Health and Safety

Elledue offers a complete and personalised service in terms of Health and Safety by analysing each and every aspect in the context of business management.
It provides support to adhere to the legislative requirement for Hygiene, Health, and Safety in the workplace.
Elledue does not limit itself to drafting the documentation required by the mandatory standards, but supplies a staff of proven professionalism who support the company’s organisation for an aware and real increase of in the applicable security measures, analysing the specific needs, both when it comes to the assessment of riskss in the broadest possible sense, both when the area involved concerns personnel, such as the organisation of information, education, and training courses for everything relating to workplace safety, directly or in collaboration with one's own network of professionals and businesses.
Our goal is to improve company safety and to spread the culture of prevention.
Our main areas of intervention are::
1) Work plan and coordination 81/08
- Verification of technical-professional suitability of suppliers/contractors/subcontractors
- Technical-administrative documentation management with support in the management and constant updating of workplace documentation
- Risk assessment and measurement of performance levels for the development of the DVR and DUVRI
- POS drafting
- PPE management
2) Security Coordinators 81/08
- Assignments as security coordinator CSP-CSE, external RSPP or support to the internal RSPP, responsible for RLS works
- Preparation of safety and PSC coordination plans, POS operational safety plans and support to the procedures management with Supervisory bodies.
3) Surveys and designs and Design assistance
- Projects planning, construction works and feasibility studies.
- Design assistance
- Building constructions in general: new constructions, renovations, or maintenance interventions
- Building renovations, extensions, and demolitions
- Cadastral practices, land registry and property subdivisions
- Assistance service on construction sites and coordination
4) Technical appraisals
- Expert reports
In the Health and Safety area, Elledue provides other important services such as:
- analysis of legislative compliance of workplaces and work processes;
- analysis of legislative compliance and the adequacy of company documentation in terms of health and safety in the workplace (permanent or temporary);
- workplace inspections with drafting of reports, proposal of corrective measures and an improvement plan;
- work related injury analysis and proposal of corrective and preventive actions;
- support for the implementation of a corporate Safety Management System;
- preparation of procedures and operating instructions;
- protocols attached to the Risk Assessment such as Covid protocol for Biological Risk
- specific risk assessment;
- work related stress assessment and electrocution risk;
- drafting emergency and evacuation plans;
- organisation and management of evacuation drills and exercises for emergency situations;
- drafting prevention and protection measures and improvement plans;
- development of safety training plans and identification of the most suitable PPE;
- work coordination of the company occupational health physician
- organisation and management of health surveillance
- consultancy for ISO 45001 and UNI INAIL certification
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