
Health and Safety
Elledue offers a complete and personalised service in terms of Health and Safety by analysing each and every aspect in the context of business management.
It provides support to adhere to the legislative requirement for Hygiene, Health, and Safety in the workplace.
Elledue does not limit itself to drafting the documentation required by the mandatory standards, but supplies a staff of proven professionalism who support the company’s organisation for an aware and real increase of in the applicable security measures, analysing the specific needs, both when it comes to the assessment of riskss in the broadest possible sense, both when the area involved concerns personnel, such as the organisation of information, education, and training courses for everything relating to workplace safety, directly or in collaboration with one's own network of professionals and businesses.
Our goal is to improve company safety and to spread the culture of prevention.
Management System
A management system is a set of rules and procedures, defined in an internationally recognised standard. It represents an integrated and systematic method for an organisation or company to achieve defined objectives and achieve strategic and operational aspects.
The objective is generally to implement tools that allow the company to keep under control its processes and activities
In the field of Management Systems, Elledue stands side by side with customers in different areas, dealing with certifications according to the schemes:
- UNI EN ISO 9001 - Quality;
- UNI EN ISO 14001 - Environment;
- UNI EN ISO 45001 - Health and safety at work;
- SA 8000 - Social responsibility;
- Self-control system based on the HACCP method - REG. EC 178/2002 and 852/2004;
- UNI/pdr 125:2022 "Guidelines on the management system for gender equality"
Elledue can assume the role of System Manager for the reference scheme, carry out the necessary internal audits and also maintain relations with external certification bodies and public bodies in charge.
Facility Management
The Elledue S.r.l property management service includes the design, planning and outsourcing of maintenance through its local network. This allows a single person to satisfy various needs: from energy saving to the standardisation and management of building and plant maintenance procedures, from the selection of suppliers to the choice of materials.
Training courses
Elledue designs and develops custom training courses based on the specific needs and skills required to achieve corporate and personal goals.
The main areas of activity are:
- Workplace Health and Safety;
- Management Systems (Quality, Safety, Environment, and Energy);
- Personalised managerial and professional training;
- Funded training support and management;
- GDPR/Privacy.
Elledue’s trainers have many years of experience in both corporate consulting and training. They are highly qualified for the organisation and delivery of courses and training services for Workplace Health and Safety in line with DM 06/03/2013. Elledue also collaborates with a network of training agencies and consulting companies to be able to respond to customer requests throughout the country.
Privacy – DPO
Elledue offers Compliance Privacy Check services.
This comprises activities to check and analyze Data Protection to assess the compliance level of your company relative to the privacy legislation (EU Regulation 2016/679), known as GDPR "General Data Protection Regulation".
The verification involves the following stages:
- Analysis and check of the documentation used by the company;
- Analysis of the processes and procedures related to work organisation, to the IT system, to the areas in which data is stored and processed, analysis of the data processed, of its archiving and processing, to the purposes of the processing and to the related security measures that have been adopted, and analysis of the risks affecting the data itself;
- Analysis of the computer system and related safety devices.
Our IT division comprises experts with analysis, programming, development, and management skills experience in companies with a modern organisation.
The main services offered are:
- Software Analysis and Development: consultancy in the software selection and installation phases;
- Systems and Networking:configuration and maintenance of servers and all central IT and electronic infrastructures including switches, routers and network equipment;
- Corporate IT security management;
- ISO 20000 certification:
Our consultants are ITIL certified, a qualification required for the ISO 20000 standard - MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR IT SYSTEMS. The ISO 20000 standard is the international standard that promotes the use of an integrated model of IT Service Management processes, with the aim of achieving the highest quality of services provided and optimum cost management. These processes are essentially those documented in ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). - Innovation Projects:Elledue Srl consultants are registered in the MISE (Ministry of Economic Development) register and are accredited as innovation managers.
CE Marking
Thanks to the collaboration of professional partners, Elledue is able to provide services in the field of product safety. We manage CE marking.
This concerns the assessment of compliance to the health and safety requirements of European directives with a "new approach", for products, production plants and equipment.
This evaluation service targets the safety and health of users of machines, equipment and products and includes the drafting of the required technical documentation.
A positive evaluation permits the application of the CE marking on the product and theemission of the Declaration of Conformity.
Reference directives:
- 2006/42/CE
Machinery directive (D.Lgs.17/2010) - 2014/68/UE
Pressure equipment - PED (D.Lgs. 26/2016) - 2014/34/EU
Pproducts intended to operate in explosive atmospheres - D.Lgs. 85/2016) - Other directives applicable to the specific product
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